Mar a dúras sa chéad phost ar an ábhar seo, léas le déanaí go raibh an phluais druidte agus mheas mé gur bhain sé seo leis an bpríomhbhealach isteach agus go raibh an pasáiste cúng fós oscailte. Tá an dá bhealach isteach le feiceál sa phictiúr thuas, an pasáiste ar clé agus an príomhbhealach druidte ar dheis.
Ní raibh ach bealach amháin fios a chur ar an scéal. Isteach liom trín phasáiste. Nuair a bhíos ann leathchéad bliain ó shoin ní raibh mé in ann dul thar an bpointe thíos gan titim isteach i bpoll ollmhor. Níorbh ionam ach páiste ag an am.
Ach bhí an scéal réitithe ó shoin ag an lucht taiscéalaithe pluaise. Bhí coinnle, rópaí agus droichead beag fiú. Ní raibh a leithéid ann leathchéad bliain ó shoin.

Cinnte, bhí áiteanna, mar an ceann thíos, abhí in ainm is a bheith dúnta don phobal, ach ní bheadh mórán iarrachta ag teastáil leis an constaic seo a shárú.
Pé scéal é bhí fios fátha an scéil anois agam agus bhí sé in am teacht amach arís trín bpasáiste cúng.
Solas an lae. Slán amach.

Chomh fada is a bhaineann sé le Cill Iníon Léinín féin, tá macalla an mhianaigh fós in ainm sráide "Glenalua" atá coitianta go maith thart ar an sráidbhaile.
Tá leagan Béarla le fáil anseo. There is an English language version of this post here.
I spent some time as a kid in whiterock fishing and always wantwd to go into the cave there.
The pictures look great. Is there any possibility of a translation of the irish text?
Ive been in the uk for last 25 years but hope to visit the cave/mine this summer.
Many thanks
Hi Dave
It might have been better to have blogged the original in English in the interest of the wider audience that seems to visit it from time to time. However, at the time, I was blogging for an Oireachtas competition and I gave an Irish version preference anywhere I could.
I had thought a few times of providing a translation but never got round to it. Your comment above has now been the definitive provocation and I have just put up a translation on my website. Hope it helps.
Enjoy your visit back to Whiterock and do heed the warning I have added at the end. Part of the reason I had it in two visits (and two blog posts) was that I did not have any rough clothes with me the first time I went, nor did I have a torch.
I must admit it was a bit scary being totally out of communication in such an isolated are so close to "civilisation".
Do come back and comment after the Summer and let me know how you got on.
Thanks Pol
I will certainly comment after my visit.
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